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Our purpose is to help those who want to leave Scientology and the Sea Org, but who lack a system of support that they can rely on while getting on their feet in the outside world.
We’re glad you’re here!
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News & Updates
We are a 501c3 organization recognized by the IRS.
Our board members serve on a volunteer basis.
Report a Crime or Injustice Anonymously
If you’ve been a victim of, or have witnessed, criminal or unethical actions within the Church of Scientology or the Sea Org, we urge you to file a report.
Your voice matters, and by sharing your experience anonymously, you can help stop the abuse and bring justice to those responsible, potentially safeguarding others from enduring the same harm.
Former Sea Org members are often hard-working and dedicated, but many face significant challenges after leaving. They may lack formal education, documented employment, or basic life skills, and have little to no contact with family outside of Scientology. These vulnerabilities can lead to exploitation.
The challenges one encounters when leaving Scientology and the Sea Org are many. The Aftermath Foundation is devoted to providing resources, support, and advocacy to those who leave so they can gain their independence and make their way in the world. The Aftermath Foundation is also dedicated to raising public awareness of the abusive practices of Scientology.